For my remix project, I decided to use images rather than video.  As much as I've talked about my interest in images and their interpretations and meanings, I hadn't really used images - just video and audio.  So I took images from some of my favorite artists with work that has heavily influenced my own work in the studio.  I included Agnes Martin, Eva Hesse, and Damien Hirst, among others (check them all out they're so amazing!!!).  The images were compiled into a mini video to show the similarities among the works, specifically grids and circles.  So the remix takes away the individual's need to make and instead remixes similar images together to create new comparisons between the works of these different artists.  

Along with the visual component, I added the audio of a man named POGO, who remixes popular disney movies, among other things.  Because he doesn't own any of these movies or sounds, he technically can't sell them, so he puts them on youtube for free.  I think POGO's music fits right in with the discussion we've had about plagiarism versus the remix.  I also happen to listen to POGO a lot in the studio, so I thought his music would be a good fit.  The song is called "Alice" and is a remix of sounds from the movie "Alice in Wonderland".

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    How Do I 


    Finding my purpose, finding my happiness.
    Trying to teach my cat to use the toilet, and failing.

    Thus is life.